Welcome to Dr Asa Nand Arya Model Sen.Sec,School
Dr Asa Nand Arya Model School, Nawanshahr Doaba is an English Medium, co-educational senior secondary school, which was established in the year 1955 is affiliated with Arya Vidya Parishad, Punjab (Regd.), which is an educational wing of Arya Pratinidhi Sabha, Punjab (Regd.),
महर्षि दयानंद सरस्वती( 1824-1883 )
दयानन्द सरस्वती का जन्म १२ फरवरी टंकारा में सन् १८२४ में मोरबी (मुम्बई की मोरवी रियासत) के पास काठियावाड़ क्षेत्र (जिला राजकोट), गुजरात में हुआ था। उनके पिता का नाम करशनजी लालजी तिवारी और माँ का नाम यशोदाबाई था। उनके पिता एक कर-कलेक्टर होने के साथ ब्राह्मण कुल के समृद्ध और प्रभावशाली व्यक्ति थे।
आर्य समाज के नियम
- १. सब सत्यविद्या और जो पदार्थ विद्या से जाने जाते हैं, उन सबका आदिमूल परमेश्वर है।
- २. ईश्वर सच्चिदानन्दस्वरूप, निराकार, सर्वशक्तिमान, न्यायकारी, दयालु, अजन्मा, अनंत, निर्विकार, अनादि, अनुपम, सर्वाधार, सर्वेश्वर, सर्वव्यापक, सर्वांतर्यामी, अजर, अमर, अभय, नित्य, पवित्र और सृष्टिकर्ता है, उसी की उपासना करने योग्य है।
- ३. वेद सब सत्यविद्याओं का पुस्तक है। वेद का पढ़ना–पढ़ाना और सुनना–सुनाना सब आर्यों का परम धर्म है।
- ४. सत्य के ग्रहण करने और असत्य के छोडने में सर्वदा उद्यत रहना चाहिए।
- ५. सब काम धर्मानुसार, अर्थात सत्य और असत्य को विचार करके करने चाहिए।
- ६. संसार का उपकार करना इस समाज का मुख्य उद्देश्य है, अर्थात शारीरिक, आत्मिक और सामाजिक उन्नति करना।
- ७. सबसे प्रीतिपूर्वक, धर्मानुसार, यथायोग्य वर्तना चाहिये।
- ८. अविद्या का नाश और विद्या की वृद्धि करनी चाहिये।
- ९. प्रत्येक को अपनी ही उन्नति से संतुष्ट न रहना चाहिये, किंतु सब की उन्नति में अपनी उन्नति समझनी चाहिये।
- १०. सब मनुष्यों को सामाजिक, सर्वहितकारी, नियम पालने में परतंत्र रहना चाहिये और प्रत्येक हितकारी नियम पालने में स्वतंत्र रना चाहिए।
President Message
A dream of developed nation is not possible without the help of school
imparting primary as well as secondary education as the education is the key
stone of success for the future of the nation. To ensure reach of education at
every place is a difficult task.
Dr. Asa Nand Arya Model Sen.Sec. School is doing commendable job
in the field of education by providing requisite infrastructure, guidance of
experienced faculty and exposure of extra curricular activities to the students of
a rural & urban area.
Iwish all the very best to the school for all its endeavour and sincerely hope, the
school shall continue to do the best possible in imparting standard education.
-Varinder Sareen
Director Message
Education is more than qualification. Qualification denotes intellectual
achievements whereas the education promotes integral and overall
development of the human person. f course it should be a quality education
because quality education is a value based education. It is holistic in nature. It
has a wide horizon, making it more comprehensive to touch and to include all
the aspects of human nature, person in its totality. In other words we can say
that the quality education intends to create a complete person and a good
human being; loving, caring, compassionate towards others and sensitive to the
needs of society. Indeed, Dr. Asa Nand Arya Model Sen.Sec. School is a
platform where quality education is being provided.
-Achla Bhala
Principal Message
'Life is no brief Candle for me. It is a sort of splendid torch I
have got hold
of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing
it on to future generations' - says George Bernard Shaw.
Through value based, life oriented education we try to make the student
realize the fact which Bernard Shaw's view on his own life. As the education opens
the inner being of the student he sees himself. Hence it is true - the saying self
knowledge is the best knowledge and one who controls himself is stronger than the
one who controls a ship. Education makes it possible to make a perfect man from a
bewildered Child a man who knows himself, understands others, who can get into
the shoes of others, who is filled with courage and compassion who could take life as
a challenge. Human qualites will be shining in his personality. Such a person will be
a person filled with mercy and compassion for his fellowmen.
-Amit Sabharwal
Vision of School
Our aim is not just completion of syllabus; putting across facts to students and help them score good marks. Our true aim is preparation for life, to embalm the wounds of shrieking humanity, to wipe out the tears of less fortunate and to fight against the social evils with unflinching fortitude. To set an example of selfless service towards humanity.The school buildings have best infrastructure with all the modern facilities, school grounds and Computer labs.
The prime purpose of our Society is the education of children of all denominations. The aim of Dr Asa Nand Arya Model School is to giving moral educations to all the students for their social, spiritual, and physical development.